Wednesday, August 27, 2008

day by day...

So...its the 2nd week of my holiday now, just work,sleep,eat,then sleep...not much things to do=,="..Well, this morning went to Luen's house, and read Vision 2008 ( its a magazine which produce by Sixth Form Council in SMKB), kinda miss those Form 6 lifeT.T...not bad this year they did^^,good job! now is going to September, time really flies, and thats why people always said appreciate what we have as time goes read one article bout our life, kinda interesting, it said bout CLOCK..

It start with this...One day, the SECOND was complaining that its very unfair that he keeps moving non-stop. SECOND has to travel one round (means 60steps) when MINUTE just has to move one step...and when SECOND travels 6o rounds, HOUR just need to move 5 steps...and SECOND keeps complaning that how he can survive till tomorrow as he needs to move 86400 steps for one day? While he was complaining, a bird passed by the clock and said that, : you don't have to worry bout tomorrow, all you need is focus ur job and do it properly and enjoy it step by step, and the end you will used to it and starting to do it well...even if there is something not good happen tomorrow, you cant change the fact and you have to accept it wisely...

Hmm..after i read this article, its true that we cant predict what will happen tomorrow, so why worry? all we need is focus on today and do our best in our job...of course, we shudnt waste time and keep post-pone our work to tomorrow and so on, as time is precious..Most important is, do well and do not worry bout tomorrow..

1 comment:

Simon Seow said...

Yeah. Don't worry, be happy.